Crocodile times and pics- 8.13 and 8.20


So this week was pretty cool.

We had a baptism for brother Arssen!!! We were supposed to have another candidate baptised that day but due to some personal issues she couldn’t be baptised. The baptism was awesome, but, I was a little nervous because when it came time to start the service, there were only five people at the church: my companion, me, the branch president, the branch mission leader, and brother Arssen. The rest of the members who were supposed to be there to show Brother Arssen their love and support weren’t able to show up. So, I thought that the service would be a train wreck. But the service ended up being one of the most spiritual services I’ve attended during my mission. Even though there weren’t a lot of people in attendance, the spirit that was felt throughout the whole service was tangible. There were no problems, there were no awkward moments, and there no slip ups; the service was just amazing.

A couple of hours ago we also bought a live crocodile! We decided as an appartement that we all wanted to taste crocodile meat so we bought a little guy, took it home, took a bunch of pictures with it, and butchered it. No one else really wanted to kill it so the task fell to me. We had to tie all of its legs up, and give it a couple of blows with the machete in order to kill it. It was a pretty tough guy to kill because of how thick it’s armour was, and even after we got the head off the body it would not stop moving. It was pretty crazy, even after the torso was severed from the hind portion of the body the arms would still crawl!! It felt like an episode of the walking dead. So yeah……. we are planning on eating it tonight so wish us luck!! No worries I’ll send pics, but just a warning, the pictures are kind of gruesome.


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